Creative Edge Hub

GIfA x 2024 Herbert Prins Colosseum Awards Campaign

Architect Sanele Nompumelelo Nzuza is an established, principal architect who founded Nzuza Architects in 2010. This practice has been growing steadily with projects ranging in scale from research work, private houses, office blocks, to commercial and residential properties.

In addition to celebrating her judge nomination for the 2024 Herbert Prins Colosseum Awards, the purpose of this campaign was to create discourse for integrating African philosophy, material culture, and architectural design elements within heritage design. Essentially, Mpumie wanted to leverage her LinkedIn audience by shedding more light on African Architecture and Heritage Design.

Thanks to the help of our partner NGT Creatives, as well as research conducted by reading journal articles on topics that encompass African cultural heritage, significance in African heritage, and exploring heritage preservation and innovation, posts were designed and copy was written to align the purpose of the campaign. This led to a great achievement of organic interactions from industry workers, including the Gauteng Institute for Architecture (GIfA), and the recognition of African heritage monuments - such as The Book Award on Traditional Tswana Housing.


Top Performing Post 1

Impressions: 6305 | Reactions: 237 | Comments: 68 | Reposts: 7 , including GIfA

Top Performing Post 2

Impressions: 2944 | Reactions: 81 | Comments: 7 | Reposts: 5, including GIfA

Top Performing Post 3

Impressions: 1815 | Reactions: 42 | Comments: 3


Swiper Swiper

These are our overall content performance stats: 17,530impressions, increased by 72,941.7%; 5,713 members reached, increased by 95,116.7%; 10 posts, and 4 reposts by GIfA.